Rainbow Rice

I started my new nanny job this week and I have been trying to think of fun projects to do with the 2 year old, since the boys I watched are now 7 I haven’t done a ton of sensory activities or crafts with them as I used to.

I am so excited to start a new 7 week series on sensory play! Each Tuesday for the next 7 weeks I will share a post on a sensory play project!

This week I will be sharing how to make colored rice! Come back next week to see what I use the rainbow rice for!


Rainbow rice is a super easy and cheap sensory project that you can make in no time. Here are the items you need to make rainbow rice:

  • Zip lock bags (I used the gallon size bags)
  • 1/2-1 pound of white rice for each color
  • Food coloring

Separate the rice into bags, I used a half 1/2 pound of rice for each color.rice

Add a few drops at a time and spread the dye all over the rice, I zipped the bag and squished it around until the dye was spread all over, you may have to do this a few times.

briceAnd Ta-Da! You have rainbow rice!

Make sure to come back next week for week 2 of my sensory series and to discover ways you can use your rainbow rice!

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